David’s tables were his best selling work. He had clients all over the world, and designed for spaces from Dubai to Dorset. They are all exquisite pieces, managing to combine materials and intricate detail whilst remaining understated and calm. His belief was that each piece of furniture should show it has been created and cared for by hand, and that its user should know that the maker has put a bit of themselves into that piece, making it unique.
If you would like further information about the furniture designed by David or are interested to discuss commissioning your own piece, please contact us
Rowdenatelier.com is the new home of Rowden Atelier Fine Woodworking School.
It is where you will now find all the information about our renowned fine woodworking courses, our ethos, and why our students go on to do so many great things. This site remains dedicated to the designs and work, of Rowden’s Founder; David Savage. If you are looking for our woodworking courses, please click here.