David’s latest bespoke dining table leaves the workshop to be delivered to the client today. Made from English Oak and finished with 15 layers of oil this table is to become a family heirloom as it will be passed down the generations.
“Mighty Oaks From Little Acorns Grow MMXVI” – The inscription, hand carved by our head tutor and maker, Daren, was crafted using specialist chisels by Chris Pye. These tools work very well for a modified version of the ‘Trajan’ typeface. Each chisel plays it’s own part in the styling of each letter. For example the tail on the R needs a certain edge to become tapered and the serifs need to be flat and sturdy. These letters are arranged on the computer, printed off and fixed to some carbon copy paper where it is then copied onto the wood using a pencil to outline the text.
As you can see, the desired effect is this amazingly clean and accurate engraving, especially in the hands of master craftsman, Daren Millman.
The design is somewhat simple, which lays the foundations for some intricate detailing. On the top there is the infamous, “David Savage wiggle”. Shaped by recent graduate and maker, Michael Crohn by the process of feathering the wood and smoothing it out using scrapers and sandpaper. With enough time and care spent you can create a clean and smooth form before it is then all glued together.
The base was beautifully crafted, again by Michael, using an inverted barrel design, a process which was very tricky to achieve. On top of this process David had designed the base to look like bark from an Oak tree. This required David to hand draw the bark onto the base from which it was sculpted to create a wonderfully bespoke design for this family dining table.