The folks over at Maker’s Eye have written up a great little review of our most recent furniture design seminar;
A great seminar day at David Savage’s Rowden workshops
David Savage Rowden seminar.
Barnaby is increasingly applying his in depth knowledge and bank of skills in the world of classical cabinet making techniques to that of CAD design and manufacture.
In this way he is able to create forms and designs that would be at best prohibitively expensive and in some cases impossible with traditional techniques. He demonstrated that his CNC routing machine could not only take the drudgery and expense out of the making of repeated components, templates and other prosaic work, but also ope up new areas of design that would previously not have been thought possible. A truly inspiring and eye opening talk which opened up for many the potential for an extended and exciting field of design and making of great furniture.
David Savage then laid out a current design project for appraisal and comments from the assembled designers. Brave man! But his tripodal games table, featuring his creative lamination techniques, was clearly in the early stages of being a typically great piece designed, as it was, to complement a pair of his signature chairs. Other presentations of completed pieces by other designers,including Keith Fernley, Jonathan Markowitz and Tony Portus followed, provoking some really lively debate on a variety of topics bringing the day to a really excellent conclusion.
What is great about David’s initiative in doing this is that it provides an opportunity for cross fertilisation of ideas and understanding of techniques, and shows how selfless even established designers can be in creating an atmosphere of inspiration, learning and driving the art of furniture making forward.