A Makers Year 101: A sunburst veneer

We’re almost at the end of the Chris Schwarz Summer School now and the students are onto the veneer detailing for the inside of their tool chests.

The workshop split into two groups:

  1. David took a group of students and taught them how to use hide glue the correct way to stick veneer panels.

Ebony inlay work in progress

mahogany veneer detail

Chis plane

This was created using Sycamore veneer for the inside, Mahogany veneer for the border and an Ebony inlay to finish.

2. Daren took another group to teach them how to precisely cut out shapes within the veneer layers to create a sunburst effect.

Will Newman cutting the veneer

Daren sticking the sunburst leaves together


Rose sticking together her sunburst

Sun burst detail complete

The second method is stuck to the board using a vacuum. Once assembled together, the students will take their sunburst, apply it the board and then shove it into a big vacuum bag where it is left over night to stick.


I will update you tomorrow!





David established Rowden Atelier in 1995, a now world renowned fine woodworking school. Discover Rowden, the woodworking courses, and the work that students go on to do.

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