Woodworking School Student is still going

Sue Jarvis' Cabinet


Sue Jarvis left us a few years ago, but she is still out there working on furniture making of highest quality. Visit Sue’s website at http://suejarvisbespoke.com/ to see some more of her work.

There are images of Sue’s work as well as many more pieces by our woodworking school students, in our designer furniture gallery


David established Rowden Atelier in 1995, a now world renowned fine woodworking school. Discover Rowden, the woodworking courses, and the work that students go on to do.

Looking for our woodworking courses?

Rowdenatelier.com is the new home of Rowden Atelier Fine Woodworking School.

It is where you will now find all the information about our renowned fine woodworking courses, our ethos, and why our students go on to do so many great things. This site remains dedicated to the designs and work, of Rowden’s Founder; David Savage. If you are looking for our woodworking courses, please click here.