We can all of us draw. It’s just a very focused form of looking. Yet some of us find it difficult and find it very difficult at the start, a bit like going to the gym is tough when you start but when you have done it a few times the endorphins rush in and you begin to go without the stress. Soooooo…. it is with this in mind that I have started my Drawing A Day Challenge. I want them to have fewer reasons to not do it, Lord knows its easy enough not to do anything let alone something as scary as drawing. The left brain puts up a great resistance program to stop you, don’t do it, don’t bother, that’s silly you can’t draw, not now, this is more important, anything is more important than that. Bah Humbug.
So I have given my students nice shiny new sketch books small enough to fit the coat pocket or bag, I have tasked them with six drawings each week and I will check the books to see them on track. It’s a bit like Weight Watchers for artists. They have to do a drawing a day, any old drawing for the really scared, drawings that take you to the drawing space in your head for the more competent. Quick doodles, stuff from your mind, stuff from your heart, images copied out of magazines, drawings of anything that grabs you, I care only that pencil has met paper and the brain hand eye interface has interfaced. I don’t even care if it’s pencil, the more media the more points. And we know what points mean don’t we, points mean prizes. At the end of this series of classes just before Christmas I award the owner of the best set of daily drawings a lovely Cherrywood watercolour box complete with paints and brushes. The winner will not be the best artist, the winner will be the artist who has come the furthest, got into the zone most frequently, played about most, has had fun and has overcome the challenge of that pure white sheet of paper.
Join us in this Drawing a Day Challenge. Send us your images and we will post them here. Drawing a day, six a week, till late December. No piffling left brain excuses accepted.