Hello David,
I always read your blog with pleasure.
I appreciate the tenderness that you write about the making of things and your experience that is transmitted via touch.
Now I bring woodwork to my home by building extensions in timber… whilst making a living as a photographer. The pleasure I get there is similar, it is the exact replication that comes of making a reproduction well, albeit digitally, where I feel one has a degree of control and responsibility that was never with on ones remit using film. I enjoy exploring where digital photography can go where film cannot. below is a link to a little experimental piece that I made for a charity auction, it sold well and is made up 348 separate photographs blended together.
I also draw from time to time, and am secretary of the London Sketch Club, a venerable institution that has been going since 1831…
I follow your mailings, and look forward to your creativity unlocking exercises…..
Best wishes,
Hi Gilbert,
Thank you so much, there are so many similarities….
Nice to hear from you
all the best