My New Year’s Resolution
OK, so this year’s resolution has nothing to do with chocolate, the gym or a social media detox, probably a first!
It is my guess that I am not alone in being a cabinetmaker that started their training with only the vaguest idea of what to do with the skills. In fact, it wasn’t until my other half and I started Bark that I had a clear idea of what I wanted to do and where I wanted to be. That counts for both of us.
It’s been the best part of seven years since those heady days of creating our little business. In those seven years a lot, and I mean a lot, has happened. Work headcount doubled, family headcount doubled too. Work headcount halved (phew) and I decided I just wanted to be Mum for a while.
So now, with some time given back to me thanks to munchkin number one now being at primary school, and with a New Year upon us, it is time to make some decisions.
Here’s the thing. With any business you should have a plan, a strategy that will hopefully get you where you want to be, eventually. Also, with any business reality gets firmly in the way of these plans and tactical decisions can overwhelm the way your business progresses.
My New Year resolution is to go back to that original plan, look at what my first goals, dreams and ambitions were, check they are still what I want to achieve and then make this year all about getting back on track.
I can tell you this… Making kitchens? No. Working for free? No. Bossing people about? No. Making sure I’m as happy waking up on a Monday morning as I am on a Saturday morning. Definitely!
Until next time,