Our newsletters gain much attention from avid readers within the woodworking community, and it is always a joy to read your thoughts. The enthusiasm and passion you show is second to none.
We received one such response to a newsletter entitled ‘Focus Focus Focus’, where David talked about the act of meditation through being in the zone.
It should come as no surprise that the act of doing and of being involved in your craft heralds many benefits. But it can do more than that. It can truly focus the mind on what needs to be done.
As David said, “Craftsmanship is a little bit like this… It is an act of meditation, but different from sitting on a cushion. This is active meditation”
Many thanks to Felix for his insightful response.:
“…Only a month ago, with some high profile educationist, the question of which education system will provide answers for sustainable development was being discussed. Most participants were shocked to discover that educated communities had not pondered enough on what they thought was the material content they too had acquired!
Most of us don’t give our human nature sufficient opportunity to filter through incoming “raw data”. We do not look through a meditative lens to stimulate the other side of what we do! I concur with the school of thought that meditation should be aligned concurrently with processes at hand.
We need to develop a self-correcting, self-evaluating mechanism in us that critically prompts every stage of what we do. That’s where focus steers the wheels of creative thinking and productive manipulation of one’s talent!
There is so much noise around us that inhibits the drive to focus on an activity within our domain. I love Judy Kensley’s strategy for ‘going in her head’ to craft her stuff. Not many have the advantage of changing location to experience creative and critical thinking! We have to have it on our feet working.”
Thanks for taking the time to write, Felix. And for providing us with some great insight into the creative mind and how to focus on your craft in a world of noise and chaos.
We always love reading what you have to say so please, continue the discussion and get in touch…