A Makers Year 10 Feminism is not fair, Discuss.

Rested and revived is one thing. Returning to work is quite another. There’s a sense of not being there. At least in mind, if not in body. That coupled with an irritation that things should have happened but haven’t happened. And things are still in absolutely the wrong place. My studio instead of being a place of calm reflection and creativity has become a dump. My e-mail list stretches into four figures and the workshop seems to have managed extremely well without me. Which is mildly irritating and gratifying at the same time.

I went today up to Bristol to see an advisor about trading in China. Her name was Antoaneta who had proven to be an extremely attractive woman with three children who had spent twenty two years living in China. We met where Antoaneta suggested in the foyer of the Novatel hotel in Bristol. When she arrived she sat down opposite me in the low lounge chairs that the Novatel provide you with. And she sparkled with radiance wearing a short, pale grey skirt that showed off her long legs. I felt it was extremely difficult listening to her as she crossed and un-crossed her legs. I said to myself “for gawd sake just look in her eyes don’t look down”. She was smiling at me through her eyes and telling me about the cultural revolution.

Feminism in my lifetime has changed everything. Certainly now we regard women in a totally different way. And good for them. But women like Antoaneta are not “playing the game” It’s not fair. She wants equality and quite rightly to be treated as an equal. But she also wants’s to divert the idiot man’s attention. Which is what she is doing with her lovely legs whenever she chooses to use that power. We should of course should be immune to sexual provocation and she should be free to do what she like with her legs. Merely discussing my enjoyment openly would be regarded as sexist. She was a wonderful advisor on the subject and it was worth the drive to Bristol and back as I learnt things about how we engage with the Chinese that I did not know. And I can’t complain as Antoaneta is an extremely beautiful woman. Indeed why should she hide that beauty behind a boring old business suit?


David established Rowden Atelier in 1995, a now world renowned fine woodworking school. Discover Rowden, the woodworking courses, and the work that students go on to do.

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