…whether the weather be bad
Now you may not know this, but we Brits love to talk about the weather. And, to be fair, we get more of it than most so there’s plenty to talk about.
Mostly we talk about the rain. We are an island, so with the Atlantic backing onto one side and over the top, and the North Sea on the other we get a lot of rain.
What we don’t get so much of is sun, Palm Springs this ain’t!
Which is why recently the English in particular have been talking an awful lot about the weather. Mostly when we talk about the weather we’re complaining about it being too wet. Or too windy, too cloudy, too English. So when we get endless sunny days, and cloudless blue skies, it gives us something completely new to complain about!
Of course, there has been no shortage of cabinetmakers Instagramming pictures of their thermometers(!) and bemoaning the effect the weather is having on their work.
Were it not ever thus?
The heat is on…
So yes it is really hard to get the energy to just crack on when the temperature goes north of 30 degrees centigrade (86 fahrenheit in old money).
But I look at it this way. Firstly, it’s not cold so nor is the workshop, or your tools, or your slippers preventing you even getting out of bed. Secondly, you’re allowed to drink as much tea as you like, heaven for a Brit. Thirdly, if you do actually get some work done you’ve done better than most and therefore fully deserve whatever treat it is you want to celebrate with. Whether that be an ice cold beer at the end of the day, a cheeky lunchtime surf or a tub of cookies and cream ice cream (ahem!)
So, if it is a bit warm ever, enjoy the heat. Make the most of the rising temperatures, get a wriggle on, sweat it out, and celebrate your ability to work in temperatures that maybe half the rest of the world endure most days of the week with something refreshing. You deserve it!
Until next time,