Every now and again i can happily post information about what current students are doing here at Rowden Workshops. This time it is a series of tables large and small all made beautifully by a group of talented young designer makers. I have included e-mail addesses for those of them who are available for commissions. Take the opportunity now these makers are just starting out they are looking for work and will give you a great job at maybe cost less than a more established designer maker. Whilst they are at this workshop i will watch over the project and will make sure the standard of workmanship is high. Its gotta to be the most amazing opportunity for you to get great furniture at less cost.
Elliot Guy
A lovely maple table with a sunburst veneer top cleverly set off centre.
This is an extending table made in English Walnut. The leaves draw out at either end to change a six seater table into an eight or ten seater. Tom is currently working on a very clever design for a range of benches and low occasional tables. Watch this space.
Jonathan Pierce
Made in English Cherrywood with a Quilted Maple veneer and rosewood detail. Jon has recently set up his new workshop and would be able to take commissions.
Jonathan Walter
I really like this table. Made in European Cherry it is a development of a design originated by Edward Barnsley and refined by Alan Peters David Savage and many others.
Jonathan Walter
Another lovely piece by Jonathan Walter in Walnut.
Jonathan Greenwood
I really love this table made in Maple with ebony details. Simple but repeating circular elements.