A place to learn
While it is clear a year spent at Rowden is a concentrated year of learning, it would be a sad state of affairs if anyone were to leave thinking they knew everything about everything. It would be like Picasso peaking with his real life drawings at college!
Fortunately, for every student that passes through our doors, the curiosity and desire to learn that draws them to Rowden stays with them after they leave.
Make no mistake, Rowden gives the best possible grounding in cabinetmaking. And the students leave confident that they have the skills to begin their journey as a fine furniture cabinetmaker. They understand the nature of wood and the importance of well tuned hand tools. They know how to work in a machine shop, jointing, door making, drawer making, design, CAD, fine art, tea making, polishing, finishing, client relationships. It’s exhausting just trying to remember the skills they (that is to say we) come away with after just one year.
Wouldn’t life be dull if, in the job you did, you knew all there was to know?
After all, you only stop learning when you choose to stop learning.
But the life of a good cabinetmaker is one of endless curiosity and development. It is a time of constant experimentation and desire to broaden their knowledge. I believe many a maker that has ever been described as a master maker might laugh inside. For of all the things they do know, the one thing they know for sure is how much they don’t know!
Until next time,