Furniture Making Short courses at Rowden
Have you ever thought about what you could do with three months? What you could really achieve? Well, how about taking up one of our furniture making short courses here at Rowden. We run short courses ranging from a weekend to a week to three months. But it is the three-month course I want to talk about today.
Your first few weeks will be spent learning how to handle tools as well as getting to grips with the materials. Wood is an amazing material to work with but that does not mean it is easy. It also moves, usually when you least want it to!
There is also a business module that runs alongside the practical side, run by Jonathan Walter of Bark Furniture. As well as all of this, by the end of the course you will have completed a series of set projects to take home and impress your fiends and family – possibly even potential clients of the future.
So why not give it a try. Who knows, this could be the start of something… it was for me!
Until next time,