At the moment we have two small cabinets being made by students in the workshop at the moment and another about to start.These are designed to teach all of the essential cabinetmaking skills: carcase construction, door making and fitting, drawer making, frame and panel, catches and latches, closing styles, all in a small relatively short package. The aim is to give aprospective employer a piece of work to look at and handle in the interview. I know this technique works I have had it played on me and ended up employing a smooth talking incompetant from another local workshop. it always amazes me how different these pieces can be.
Dan Hill is making a lovely “Arts and Crafts ” style piece in light oak with burr brown oak panels and bogg oak details. This would have been finished by the end of his first six months but for the fact that he has now moved on to making apiece for me. watch this space or see the student gallery to see this finished.
Rob Hughes is just now fitting tiny little drawers to his English Walnut Cabinet. This piece is a peach, the sides of the cabinet are subtly tapered in thickness and slightly hollowed to offer a different form within the surface, something a photograph would never catch but the eye and fingertip would love to explore. It sits up on four points every aspect carfully considered. see this finished soon.