An Introduction To A Workshop
Around about eighteen years ago I began a series of articles for this magazine entitled “The Craft of Cabinetmaking”. This was intended to be a series of straight from the bench technical advice on subjects
A series of woodworking articles written between 1991 and 1995 for “The Woodworker” magazine about the the life of a furniture designer in the old workshop in Bideford Devon.
Around about eighteen years ago I began a series of articles for this magazine entitled “The Craft of Cabinetmaking”. This was intended to be a series of straight from the bench technical advice on subjects
I know it is a terribly sexist remark but I do think of the machines in our first workshop as old ladies. Over the years I have had all sorts of lighter weight machines and
Last month we discussed the problems with buying machines from auctions. Now don’t let me put you off the idea of buying your machines from auctions. This is certainly the cheapest way to acquire good machines,
OK, enough about dealers. What do you do when you have bought the things? Well, you have got to get it back to your place and having got it back you have got to get
I suppose the problem with jigs is that I can’t make up my mind about them. I can’t make up my mind whether I love them or hate them. When I see complex forms being
I would hate to suggest we use jigs in our own workshop unthinkingly, heaven forbid, but I will talk briefly about two jobs we have in the workshop at the moment that have made extensive is the new home of Rowden Atelier Fine Woodworking School.
It is where you will now find all the information about our renowned fine woodworking courses, our ethos, and why our students go on to do so many great things. This site remains dedicated to the designs and work, of Rowden’s Founder; David Savage. If you are looking for our woodworking courses, please click here.