Web site sucess for Tjeerd

I teach students here that to sell their services as a designer of contemporary furniture they need to embrace the new possibilities offered by web marketing. All very clever stuff. Some of them hear me and act upon it, some of them hear but don’t act, and some just think the whole issue is too big to take on single handed. From my end it sometimes feels a bit like bombarding cabbages with gamma rays, one doesn’t feel very effective. So it’s great when a former student does listen, does set up a web site and does, as a consequence, get nearly a years work from one Google seach enquiry. Tjeerd set up www.hendel-blackford.com whilst he was still a student here. By the time he finished here and needed to be selling his work his web site was out of what is known as the Google sand box, a curious term for period of obscurity that Google seem to condemn all new websites to suffer. So it’s great to hear that just as Tjeerd is setting up his new business he gets an enquiry for a wedding present, not just one piece of hand made furniture but a bedroom full, enough to keep him busy for the rest of the year. Well done Tjeerd.

tyeerd working on my ebony table


David established Rowden Atelier in 1995, a now world renowned fine woodworking school. Discover Rowden, the woodworking courses, and the work that students go on to do.

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