I am very pleased to announce that Barnaby Scott, of Waywood Furniture Makers, has agreed to join us for a day on the 28th November.
Waywood are to me, one of the most impressive small furniture workshops in the world. I have been exhibiting furniture with Barnaby at different venues around the country for over 25 years, and Waywood will, I hope, also be joining us in Boston at the second “Furniture with Soul” exhibition at Gallery NAGA in June and July 2013.
Waywood are special, they have taken handmade furniture and applied new technology CAD/CAM systems that have enabled them to develop new forms and new ways of working.
Barnaby, a man for whom I have the greatest respect, will be sharing with our students, and former students, his considerable experience in furniture design and making in the small workshop context.
This is an “invitation only” event, however, if you are a furniture maker in the south west and not on my database of invitees and would like to attend please contact me