In Memoriam : Elliot Guy

Elloit Guy was a student here. It was only a few weeks ago that we saw him loading up his stuff at the end of his course to go back to his young family in london. The news that he was attacked at a London party, stabbed in the neck, and killed, has come as a severe shock to us all. Elliot wasnt the kind of person to get stabbed. He was cool, gentle, a young dad with all to live for, with all that life has to offer before him. This is a tragedy, a tragedy compounded by the ignorance of the press that “sensationalised” the news.

Writing this has taken me over two weeks to face, I feel so angry this was a loss to me and to Elliots other friends here in Devon but this can be nothing compared with the loss faced by Amy. She has been  Elloits brave and clever partner, it has been Amy who encouraged and supported Elloits drive to become a skilled cabinetmaker. Also Elenour their baby daughter born only weeks ago. Elenour and Amy have been robbed of a loving father and partner, a caring sensitive man who could make things of beauty from nothing. I  dont know but I would guess that Elliot probably didnt get all the advantages that some kids get at the start of life. But he did get the capacity to make, and to do, and to work. Which he did all his short life, he came to me to learn to make with more skill, and was planning how to use his new skills to support his young new family when he was brutally murdered.

I have search my systems for a workshop image of Elliot but it was his nature to turn away when i wandered about with a camera.  So all I have are shots only of his broad back. Instead i will show a table he made here, difficult techniques didnt worry Elliot he took them on and came up smiling. I miss you Elliot.




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