In response to our Free Online Creativity Course:
Hi David,
Anything goes? What a great and generous concept. Ok here goes, I hope this makes you smile. When I started work, too long ago, my foreman asked me my name,”Peter” I replied ,”oh no” he said “we have 5 Peters right, you’re Sid”, when they found out my adopted mother was Jewish It became Sid the yid, the first things he taught me were, you’ve made nothing till you have made a mistake and sawdust on the shoulder is a sure sign of wood higher up. I think lots of us must have had characters like that in our lives, I think it would be interesting or amusing if people could post theirs.
After watching your videos I draw every day, I recently did a sketch with some lovely curves and felt sure it should inspire me to put it into a design, to my dismay I get nothing at all… does this ever happen to you?
Lastly a question, I have to say I am in awe of the magnificent Andromeda designer chairs, while studying it for the umpteenth time I wondered if it could be made without the arm rail thus making it an open chair, but how would you support that beautiful back? I don’t know maybe two curves spliced into the back legs sweeping up to join together under the top tight curve of the back, this is fanciful thinking on my part and just thinking aloud, please don’t get me wrong I don’t mean to alter such a fabulous piece, but maybe to create something new on a similar theme, any way what do I know I am probably talking out of my arse!?
Have a great day
cheers, Peter
Nice to hear from you Peter, I think you have to keep on “downloading” images, lines, shapes, forms of it, for a few months not a few days then “stuff that is creepy” starts coming off the end of your pencil. Keep going dude!